By Elizabeth Stapleton
Social Media Editor
Students and alumni have long suspected the St. Michael’s campus has its share of spooky nooks and crannies. A roundup of blogs, publications and paranormal experts deem this quartet of places as some of the most haunted on St. Michael’s campus.
North Campus Chapel
People get the sense that they’re being followed / watched as they walk by the Chapel on north campus, even during the day. One night, in 1978, the chapel bell woke students in the middle of the night to find the Herroute theatre on fire, almost as a warning sign. But when police and firefighters got there later, there was no sign / proof of an alarm sounding.
Sloane, Darkroom
Named after Cy Sloane, a professor and founder of the Art Department at St. Mikes. He lived in Sloane and his apartment was converted into the present day darkroom. Students say there is an undoubtable presence in that room, objects often go missing with no explanation. Few say they see the image of a man appear from time to time, and if you stand with your back against the far side of the wall, you can see a ‘shadow person’ walking towards you. According to legend, Sloane darkroom is the most haunted place on campus. Sorry art students!
Herroute Theatre
Sister Sarah was a nun that worked at St. Mikes until the late 1950s. She is said to haunt the theatre on north campus and even after everything was transferred to the McCarthy Arts center, her spirit followed. There have been sightings of an older women but
anytime someone tries to walk towards her, she disappears. People say they can see her in the audience observing their performances and she’s responsible for the props that go missing without an explanation.
Joyce Hall
In the 1960s, apparent cult meetings use to take place in the attic of Joyce Hall. During one of their rituals, the group of boys were interrupted by security before they could close the portal, leaving it open for spirits to roam free. Two 1979 alums experienced running and giggling kids above them in the attic one night while the rest of school was away on winter holiday. What they found was a pentagram surrounded by candles.They never experienced it again.